
Mount Hermon, Cornerstone and Northernmost City of Israel

I continue to talk about Israel North and today we’ll look at snow-capped Mount Hermon.
In that trip we reached the northernmost Israel city Metula but in spite of the middle of March we covered heads from the sun and spread on noses sun-protection cream but when we drove into the Metula we found a lot of signs that this town is the northernmost point of Israel: the local center of sport activities is named Canada Center and the hotels have quite “northern” names, for instance “Alaska Inn”. Nevertheless I chose for illustration a photo with four giant apples as association with Bible description of Promised Land. I believe you remember the giant grape vine cluster.

On a way to Metula we drove into the settlement Rosh Pinna. The inhabitants usually are busy in agriculture, hospitality and tourism management. I took some photos of stream flowing from Mount Kna’an and strolled around the earliest of the Galilee settlements, founded in 1888 and certainly there are some viewpoints to Mount Hermon.
And again, I address the Bible to explain the origin of the Rosh Pinna name. The name is translated as “cornerstone: “The stone which the builders rejected, it has become the heard of the corner” (Ps, 117:22). In the ancient Jewish Kabbalah tradition, Rosh Pinna is the site where the Messiah will appear at the end of the world. 

Next we drove up towards to Hermon but we didn’t reach the snow slopes on this trip as hurried to see a waterfall Saar. We made a short stop at kibbuth Neve Ativ and one more illustration – a figurine of snowman that welcome the visitors at the entrance.

At the end of today’s post I represent the photo of Nimrod Fortress. Once this place belonged to order of Nizari Ismailis the members of which often called assasins, but this place and fortress deserve the separate story.


Jewelry Trends 2011 from Green Diamond SJD

In the year 2010 and in the beginning of 2011 the price of gold had a tendency to move ups and economy instability has had a strong influence at jewelry manufacture. The price of gold continues to grow and many manufacturers turn their close attention to economical alternatives, particularly to sterling silver.
Well, now we have a new reality and it is necessary to adapt our business to this trend. Since we opened our first jewelry store in Israel through more than 10 years up nowadays we completely concentrated at manufacture of costume sterling silver jewelry.
Today I introduce the new collection – trends 2011: the Cocktail Rings, Earthy trends and jewelry combined of gold and sterling silver.  First of all it is color. Ultra-fashionable combination of shiny and dark earth tone sterling silver rings, earrings, pendants and bracelets are effectively accented with clear cubic zirconia.
One more trend 2011: cocktail rings. Rings go both with retro and modern style costumes.
I would like to add, all new jewels are sets.
Hide thin small golden chains and the tiny rings in jewelry box for the time being and take advantage of my today’s advice to keep step with fashion jewelry trends and be happy with new piece of jewelry.
And toward the end I invite everyone to visit our internet store Green Diamond SJD (link at the right side of this page).

Price: $93
Place of origin: Israel

Price: $145

Price: $70

Price: $275

Price: $70

Price: $85

Price: $55

Price: $220

Price: $220

Price: $40

Price: $160


Israel. Elijah's the Prophet Cave. Part 4

Today, April 18 at sunset begins Passover (Pesach). Its celebration continues a week.
Certainly, the main idea it is the Exodus/ exite from Egypt. But it is only obvious reason and if you begin to remove a cover and slightly open a “veil” … it is possible to understand the hidden Kabbalistic meaning of Passover. I won’t try yours patience more: sacral meaning – it is "exit" of the person from the Captivity of own slavery, prejudices and restrictions.  And every year, every person makes this overcoming.
I’ve told about, because today I report my last post about the cave of Elijah the Prophet and today at Passover Eve I finish my report about one of the most worship places by pilgrims in Israel.
“A place setting remains empty for Elijah the prophet, the honored guest at every Passover table. The Jewish people expect Elijah to come at Passover and announce the coming of the Messiah (Malachi 4:5). So a place is set, a cup is filled with wine, and hearts are expectant for Elijah to come and announce the Good News. At the end of the seder meal, a child is sent to the door to open it and see if Elijah is there.”
Now, we have already climbed down to the foot of Mount Carmel and enter into the Elijah’s cave which is workshop for Jews. Here everything is arranged according to the Jewish tradition.  The cave is divided into female and male parts.  Here, as well as at theWestern Wall in Jerusalem, people leave the notes in peculiar wall with photographers of Western Wall, Elijah’s cave and Prayers. Also along a wall there are bookcases with religious books and everyone can take Sidur (prayer book) and read the prayer or suitable fragment from Tanakh. When you go out of cave, you can light a candle. And towards the end of my description of Elijah’s cave, pay attention to a chair: it is Elijah’s Chair.

“Accordingly, the Shulḥan 'Aruk, Milah, 265, 11 (comp. Kol Bo, 73), orders that a distinct seat upon the bench, or a separate chair, be reserved for Elijah. To this the circumciser (mohel) refers in the prayer preceding the circumcision, as well as in the piyyuṭ for the Sabbath on which a circumcision occurs. When the chair of Elijah is made ready, the words "This is the chair of Elijah"  must be said in a loud voice. Before the circumcision takes place the child is placed upon the chair. The chair is left in position for three days, not, as said by some, to give Elijah, the wanderer, time for rest, but because the first three days after circumcision are a period of danger for the child. Elijah being the guardian of the little ones, is represented as such in the amulet for the lying-inchamber, and, indeed, it is in this capacity that he is invited to the circumcision”.


Between Two caves of Elijah the Prophet. Israel, Haifa

We’ve seen the church Stella Maris of Karmelite’s monastery and the cave of Elijah the Prophet. I haven’t told everything about this place but will postpone some interesting facts for the future. I’ll add only, that there is inscription Stella Maris on the statue of Mary and a building of old beacon was given to Israel Army by the Order of Karmelites.
And now, a small paradox and confusion: cave, situated inside the church Stella Maris  at the top of Mount Carmel, according to several sources, is recognized as habitation of Elijah’s the prophet disciple, and the true cave, which interested us, it is located at the foot of mountain and is a place of adoration of Jews.
So and I adhere to this version and that’s why. There are no of natural sources of water at the the top of Mount Carmel, but at the foot there are. Also it is necessary to remember: all tracks run along a coast and a lot of people moved here. So, everything speaks for the down cave.
But nevertheless, the circumstances were such that two religions, therefore the caves should be two.
We cross a road and go along the Naval Base and now we stand on the slop of Mount Carmel at the southwest side and in front of us is opened the amazing view of the Mediterranean Sea. In front of us: the Haifa Bay, the Haifa roadstead and the coastal line.
The building topped a blue dome it is a chapel constructed in honor of Holy Family. The building, standing almost in sea, it is the Institute of Sea Research and Tel Shekmona is situated nearby. The claimbing down takes a little time as a distance is one kilometer approx.
I invite you to pass this way along with me and to look at Haifa Bay.


The Cave of Elijah the Prophet. Part 2

Since 12th century, during crusades, the Holy Land was the desired Land not only for knights but also the penitent-pilgrims had come from Europe. They come together near a “spring of Elijah the prophet” in one of the valleys of Mount Carmel. They saw in the prophet one of the founder of the monastic life. In the middle of the cells they built a chapel which they dedicated to Mother of Jesus. They became known as “Brothers of Saint Mary of Mount Carmel”. Thus Carmel is deeply associated with Elijah and Mary.
That is a short story of Order of Carmelites origin.
And now we enter inside of church Stella Maris where the Elijah’s cave is located. But I should remind: this cave is venerated by Christians.
The cave is situated below the altar. We walk down into the “Elijah Cave” where the prophet is believed have lives. We see inside an altar and the statue of Elijah above. During our visit, the young parents with their baby have gone down. They asked blessing for the child. So and I put a small candle, stood some time and then lifted my hand and touched a ceiling of cave. I’ve soiled the fingers. The cave’s arch was sooty from great number of candle’s lighting with eternal prayer of helping, healing and blessing to the prophet and then leave the cave.
Now we again stand in the middle of church Stella Maris. The paintings of the dome and others have done by Brother Luidgi Poggi (1924-28), depicted episodes from the Old Testament. The statue of the Virgin Mary with Jesus on her hand, carved from Lebanon’s cedar.
You can see a native scene from life of Holy Family. It is believed, that the Holy Family hide here from the king Herod the Great.
Take a look at church Stella Maris, and the next time we’ll start to climb down to the foot of Carmel where one more cave of Elijah the prophet is situated.