
Jewelry Trends 2012, Green Diamond SJD

Jewelry. Green diamond SJD. I’m in Israel now and there is never any snow at the coast of Mediterranean Sea but in many countries is a winter yet. Nevertheless the day light gradually increases so I think just now, in the mid-February it’s the time for spring preparations.
In present to keep up with the fashion it isn’t enough to buy clothes fitting the last fashion trends of a current season. It is necessarily necessary the support of your wardrobe with fashionable accessories. The modern tendencies deduce to the foreground the costume jewelry along with footwear and bags. Now it isn’t enough to have a thin gold chain or tiny rings in your jewel box to look well-dressed.
Today I bring to your attention the first part of jeweler trends review of 2012 from Green Diamond SJD.
Before I begin my review, here are some comparisons with jewelry trends of 2011. I tell - something can be grasped in year 2012 though some changes have occurred. In particular, it is color but about color trends we’ll talk later.
And now the first one - Earthy Tends continue be in vogue. Jewelry of color close to earthen tones when combined the bright, high polished silver with darkened one, continues to remain in vogue. This trend has additional development in Handmade Jewelry, representing the items having even more natural and unique appearance in 2012.

Flora & Fauna. The reference to the nature, to its natural forms sounds actually in this trend. Flowers, created of color gemstones or crystals, various animals will be pertinent in your jewelry in 2012 but I advise: don’t wear flora or flower jewelry in an improper place. Agree the big exotic flower will be out of place if you wear it at office. Keep similar jewelry for your vacations. To divide working life and days off (recreation) we produce the specific jewelry under name “Travel collection”.
Cocktail rings. Representing this trend I tell: “be free in your fancy”. You can combine some vogue jeweler themes of year 2012 in this trend. Bulky rings decorated with stones or crystals, continue to be at the top.
The new trend that wasn’t presented last year - the big decorative crosses. We aren’t fond of manufacture of similar items, preferring to the traditional assortment of orthodox crosses and medallions, therefore I illustrate this trend with example of Christian Dior’s cross decorated with pink pearls. You can buy it at our online store “Green Diamond SJD”.
And one more jewelry trend of this season, pearls. Its forms and color are various – from traditional white and color beads to asymmetrical baroque, passed to 2012 from the last season. It’s good news for women, who possess the similar jewelry. In conclusion, I'll disclose a secret of women of political elite of Austria. They prefer a traditional paerl necklases of chocker or princess lenght. Today I've acquainted you with this year's trends and in some days I'll continue my rewiew.


The Magic World of Austrian Flowers

Today we go to Tulln to visit the main Austrian flower show held at the end of August 2011. I kept in a secret this amazing exhibition for a long time to rejoice you with the flowers grown the Austrian gardeners and magic arrangements created by florists. Now, in the middle of January when the sun beyond the window doesn’t gladden the eyes by its bright beams, I invite you to visit the magic world and come back to the childhood and feel enjoy and wonder.

We enter the hall called “Garden of the Hearts”. The flower design of whole hall was created by gardener Starkl (year of the foundation – 1912) which has branches in four cities including Vienna. Five huge hearts, three meters in diameter, are hanged above the water. They are decorated with roses, the flower of love, and everyone is the hearty message to visitors.  They show phases which love can wander through the course of life; the germinating heart of the youth, the luminous heart of the great love, the broken heart, heart of the painful knowledge of life and the golden heart of the age and equanimity.
Visitors sat near the pools, some of them remembered about their great love and I believe a lot of love stories were retold here within exhibition’s days.

And now we leave the Garden of the Hearts and enter into the fairy tale world. “A Trip to the World of Fairy Tale” is the motto of the “Flower hall” in which Austrian gardeners and florists presented flower and plant arrangements.  The focus’s composition was the tale “Alice in Wonderland”. My comment will be lint in this case as the plot of story is well known, therefore, imagine yourself the Alice and try to see unusual world created by florists with her eyes.

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Step by step along with Alice we enter in the magic world of Harry Potter. Fur-trees don’t grow of the ground but they are hanging above the table. The candles and table décor created according with canon established in magic school are reflected in mirrors and clear crystals.  White-green design of magic table was the florist’s Christmas and New Year trend of year 2011. 

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We have visited the heart of the floral fairy tale world, and now go out of Hogwart’s labyrinth and continue the travel.  Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; the cups decorated with scarlet color roses and near: Snow-White and Rose-Red, Hansel and Gretel by the Brothers Grimm; The Emperor’s New Clothes and other fairy tales.


Before Christmas in the Holy Land

Israel. Every year we make a first “winter” trip to Lake Kineret and just today, on Christmas Eve, I invite you to visit these ancient Holy places.
The Sea of Galilee, or simple, Kineret bear no close relation to Christmas but we come here to visit some churches and to stay in solitude on the bank of lake when only the rustle of bird’s wings disturbs the silence.

Before Christmas, vicinities of Kineret attract not only me. I speak about Christian pilgrims. Buses are drive up to the entrance of Roman-Catholic church situated on Mount of Beatitudes one after another, people go out the bus and stand still. They arrived to the place where have aspired to come for many years and now they stand on the Mount of Attitude, on the place where the Sermon on the Mount has been said a thousand years ago. Believers hold prayer books in their hands because they arrived to Mount of Beatitudes to offer up the prayer to the Lord.
Roman Catholic Franciscan Church, which you see in photos, was built in 1938 and the building isn’t of great historical value. The other is attracting to me here. There is a gallery along the church’s perimeter. The church’s walls keep a cool where it is possible to seek shelter from the scorching Israel sun. Near the church you will find the places for prayers and people settle down on benches, look at lake and imagine events that took place here almost millennium ago.

The amazing view is opening to the Lake Kineret and the Greek Church of Twelve Apostles and Capernaum from here. The Orthodox Church we’ll visit another time but Capernaum partially should be seen today.

Time flies quickly, it seems to me that I hardly have time to bypass around the place, sometimes stop, or sit down on bench in a shade, but my husband call me, it is time to continue the travel.

The new memorial upon the traditional House of St Peter was built by the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land in order to shelter the archeological remains of the Insula Sacra. The Memorial was planned by the Italian architect Ildo Avetta. The main bulk of the building, which is hovering over the remains of the House of Simon Peter the fisherman, conveys in some way the image if a boat. The same idea is suggested by the wall decorations made up of stylized fish, waves and nets. The four wooden panels inside the Church are the work of the artists Raoul Vistory (the blessed Virgin entering the House of Peter and St Peter on a boat) and of Giovanny Dragoni (the Crucifixion and Jesus on the House of Peter). The mosaic of the altar (of Enzo Rossi) combines the biblical theme if the manna in the desert and of the multiplication of loaves.
The Memorial was dedicated by Card. Lourdusami on June 29, 1990. That date was engraves on the plinths if the façade; BEATO PETRO APOSTOLO – A.D. MCMXC DICATUM (Dedicated to the blessed apostle Peter on June 29. 1990).

In Christmas days, every church has its own Crib with figures telling the bible story of Jesus Christ’s birth. Such Crib I find in church dedicated to St Peter in Capernaum. I photographed it especially for you and it is my first gift.
The second gift is a poinsettia, the Christmas Star growing at Mount of Attitude. Real poinsettia with flaming red bracts, for what it is named the Christmas Star, blaze among rich greenery at the Mount of Beatitudes in the Holy Land.


Café Museum. The Centenary History of Interior

Austria, Vienna. Today we’ll continue the trip along Wien River to Schönbrunn Palace. Last time we stopped off at building Secession and today, before to pass through Nashmarkt, will step aside from our route and take a rest in Café Museum.
The Café Museum was opened by Ferdinand Rainer in 1899. He chose an ideal place close to Secession, Academy of Art, Opera, the Wien Musikferein and Wien River and Café immediately become one of the most popular places among artists and musicians. 
To create inner design, the famous architect Adolf Loos was invited.  Inner décor has been made in minimalist style and had a pure and unornamented design. The Café was furnished with marble tables, well-known nowadays bentwood chairs by Michael Thonet, and has been lighted up by simple lamps.
In 1906 new owners invited a young architect Zotti to design a café garden, and later, in 1930, he reversed design which has existed till 2003. You see in photo details of interior of those years.  

In 2003 the initial design created by Adolf Loose was returned but, unfortunately, the economic crisis of last years concerned the Viennese cafes as well, and in 2009 Café Museum practically lost the visitors and was under the threat of closing. The new owners became the famous family Querfeld and they have taken changes again to Zotti’s design with some modern changes. I don’t know if will be Café Museum differs from others belonged to Querfeld family (well-known Cafés Landtman, Moart, Hoffburg and others), but today, coming to this historical café I remember the persons who came here for more than centenary history of Café Museum. The famous artists, who liked to come here to discuss new ideas, to argue about and certainly to drink coffe. The café witnessed two wars, but continued to receive visitors. And today we enter in Café Museum.
It was a really hot day, I settled on a cozy red sofa. I’ve seen a fruit cocktail in menu but it served together with ice cream. I didn’t want an ice-cream so the dish was changed according to my taste, only fruit.  Also I’ve ordered a topfen (cheese) cake with raspberry and a soda water with lemon. It was quite dietary lunch.
I spent almost an hour and half here and even had a time to read a little. In the beginning I’ve not intended to advise visiting of this café but while I was writing this note and have chosen the photos, I decided to invite you to visit Café Museum in spite of the fact that you won’t find any new cakes or salads different from other cafes. Simply drop in Café Museum to take breath and have a rest from Viennese impressions in old walls which liked to visit Gustav Klimpt, Egon Schiele, Oskar Kokoschka, Otto Wagner, and, certainly, Adolf Loos.