
Festival of Tu B'Shvat

The spring, a little bit unusual, has come to Israel today. Unusual because the dust storm from Africa swept into Israel and covered the central and southern parts of Israel.
But nobody cancelled arrival of spring.
So, there is some history about.
The 15th day of the Jewish month of Shvat – 30 January this year marks the New Year for Trees and one of four “New Years”.
As it says in the Torah: “ and when you shall enter this land, you shall plant fruit-bearing trees …”.
The origin of Tu Bisvat lies in the ancient Hebrew taxation system, which was based mainly on the tithe of every farmer and the day of Tu Bishvat marked the end if one tax year and the start of a new one.
And it is true. Only one week will pass after of Tu Bishvat and we will see changes – the deciduous trees that lost their leaves during the dry season will start new growth of the leaves and we will see a lot of flowers.
And now some photos that I took in my favorite greenhouse where I usually buy the plants.


January Day in Herzliya

I’ve just got back from another maritime town Herzliya. I went out for business travel for my firm. It was a very busy day but I always take pleasure of every day and Herzliya hasn’t been the exception. My business partner appointed the meeting in very attractive place named Marine Complex.

Herzlia was built on the spot of ancient Greek city Apollonia (Arzuf) and its modern history begins in 1924. Nowadays the city is a part of Tel-Aviv District. It was cold out there and non-typical for seacoast even for January and I’ll show this city in sunshine and aquamarine Sea in future but today both the yachts and open-air cafes are waiting for warmth.



Next Day After Rainstorm

Today I invite to take a walk along the sea. The city began its day with street cleaning and before the midday came the streets have been done.
And now follow me along the street named Eliezer Kaplan* stretching from a highway up to the sea.

Turn to the right and now we walk along a promenade towards to the city's center. Now it is almost empty but tomorrow many tourists will arrive to breathe the sea breeze and to relax for their days off.

This big seal is a concert stage.

* What is a street name?
The street named after Eliezer Kaplan, one of the signatories of the Israeli declaration of independacy and the country's first Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister.


Rains at last ! The flood reached the North of Israel.

Rainstorm has flooded the main street of my city. We were waiting for the rain a lot of time and it here at last.
I was going to Post Office while suddenly saw that I cannot cross the Gaaton street.
Take a look at photos and at a great effect that have brought first heavy rains.


I congratulate Orthodox Christian on feast of Baptism of Jesus - Epiphany.
It’s Jordan River; Jesus was baptized here.

Photos 2 and 3: The Baptismal font monolit (dated back 5th century) was taken off church near Hebron (the Cave of the Patriarch, the holy site for Judaism, Christian and Islam is situated in Hebron). I’ve taken these photos in Tabgha. Pay attention, the baptismal font is made in shape of cross.


Israel. Nahariya

Actually today I begin to report about the city where I spend winter days. It's Nahariya. Nahariya is a Mediterranean city-resort in northern Israel and was founded by German emigrations in 1930s.

Photo 1: you see city Nahariya on the right side and a white cliff - it's Rosh haNikra (I'll tell a little bit later about) and just beyond a cliff Lebanon laies.
Photo 2: South entrance to Nahariya city.


On January 13 and 14 the 20th International Exhibition for marketing of fresh agriculture took place in Tel-Aviv. I visit this exhibition every year, as it is very important for me to know what we will buy tomorrow in supermarkets.
And I was so surprised ... the genetically modified food “went out of fashion”. This year the focus of the leading market players is in the areas of fresh produce taste and health qualities.
The Pomegranate, symbol of health was chosen as the official symbol.There were a lot of unusual vegetables, fruits and flowers and the final resume will be published later but now some feasts for the eyes.


Nativity of Christ.

I’m so happy to start my new blog “ Rene Delicious Life” and put first post in this feast day.
I cordially congratulate Orthodox Christian on this great feast of Nativity of Christ and wish the light and easy way.
Today, some photos of the Greek Orthodox Church of Twelve Apostles in Capernaum, Israel. Capernaum was the hometown of the Apostles Peter, James, Andrew, John and tax collector Matthew.