
The first aquintance with ancient Safed, the city of Kabbalah

Today I start to tell about ancient and one of most mysterious Israel's cities. My tale is about Safed. Along with Jerusalem Safed "uncover itself" not at once and I still have more questions than have received the answers.
And now is my first short story. It is very important to know where Safed situated and what is its meaning for Jewish people.
So .... Safed (Tzfat) is situated in the mountains of Upper Galilee at about 900 meters above the sea levels and is Israel's highest city.
According to a legend Safed was founded by Noach's son Shem* after the Great Flood. It was one of five elevated spots fires were lit to announce the New Moon. Safed rose to fame by degrees and there were some different development ways in its history until 16th century, when its new era begins. The city became a center of Kabbalh when many Jewish religious scholars found their way to Safed after they were expelled from Spain in 1492 and among them were the famous kabbalists.
Due to its location Safed commands magnificent views to four cardinal directions and every time when I come to Safed I enjoy with unforgettable magnetic views.

* Shem means "name" or "renown", forefather of the middle peoples (Semetic).




Jam Day

When I arrived in Austria last year, I was surprised at my favorite apricot jam. The jar was cut down half but the price stayed the same. My family hadn’t agreed to other jam for the simple reason: most industrially produced jams contain the chemical ingredients.
And so, when the apricot season has come, I went out to valley Wachau for one of apricot festival. I should say that there is a cult of apricot in Austria and this fruit is named here Marillen. My comeback to cooking of jam has happened !
I found that this forgotten, popular handcraft activity bring only pleasant moments.
It is winter in Israel, and it is a season for some fruits too, so today I’ve “conjured” at kitchen.
And here orange jam. Only few ingredients: oranges, lemons and ginger + sugar (on your taste) + some water – and voila, a fresh homemade orange jam with sweet citrus flavor is ready.
Spreading orange jam on toast or put it into a cottage cheese on your breakfast and spring has visited your home just today!


Amethyst, a Februar gemstone

It was about fifteen years ago when my husband brought precious and semi-precious stones (or simply gemstones) from an exhibition. Many years passed since then days but only ametrine was stamped in my memory
We created several items: rings, earrings and necklaces using ametrie and put them on display in main window of our store and our customers and ametrine have gotten an acquaintance for the first time.
But time flies, and nowadays these stones aren’t exotic at all but then we were the first retailers who presented ametrine to buyers in our city.
Ametrine it is a bicoloured stone: amethyst + citrine. Nature gives us a surprise by having created bicoloured stones.
Unfortunately I didn’t take the photos that time but I’ve told this story because the February is the month of Amethyst and it means that Amethyst will accompany us the whole month.
It is told much about Amethyst and I’m almost sure that everyone knows about its main property, the Amethyst offers protection against drunkenness. Someone will confirm this, someone will say it isn’t true – everyone has personal experience. But I love a legend of Greek mythology telling about Dionysus and maiden named Amethystos.
In any case my advice is – wear an Amethyst gemstone, enjoy its color, which you’ll hardly find in other gemstones as the magical, charming violet Amethyst color still stay at a top of fashion in this season.



Tu B’Shvat, part 2

Today I confirm, spring has come, together with all the changes that this season brings. Just in the morning, I discovered that purslane have sprouted in my small garden after a dry season. Here and there the blossom of trees and shrubs began but it isn’t true to say that there is a complete fall leaf life cycle in Mediterranean climate.
And now I return to a short story about my favorite nursey. It is named Yagur Garden and situated at the foot of mount Karmel that is a biblical place and stretching to the 39 km from the Mediterranian Sea towards to the southeast. The nursey is located near the Haifa city.
But I keep telling – I’ll tell about Haifa and Mount Karmel a little bit later. Every time when I tell about places and events a new concatenation appear now and again. And so my thoughts and dreams tend to my future endless narrations.
Now some new photos. As you see, there are dwelt not only plants and flowers in greenhouse. So today – flora and fauna.