
Tu B’Shvat, part 2

Today I confirm, spring has come, together with all the changes that this season brings. Just in the morning, I discovered that purslane have sprouted in my small garden after a dry season. Here and there the blossom of trees and shrubs began but it isn’t true to say that there is a complete fall leaf life cycle in Mediterranean climate.
And now I return to a short story about my favorite nursey. It is named Yagur Garden and situated at the foot of mount Karmel that is a biblical place and stretching to the 39 km from the Mediterranian Sea towards to the southeast. The nursey is located near the Haifa city.
But I keep telling – I’ll tell about Haifa and Mount Karmel a little bit later. Every time when I tell about places and events a new concatenation appear now and again. And so my thoughts and dreams tend to my future endless narrations.
Now some new photos. As you see, there are dwelt not only plants and flowers in greenhouse. So today – flora and fauna.


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