
Tzippori (Zippori), Nile House Mosaics

We continue travel through Tzippori. Go upwards along the Cardo Street (Cardo means the main street). Collonaded Street was built in the Roman period and was one of the main streets of the city. And now, revert to my previous message and peer at Cardo Street restored in Bysantine times and we clearly se the tracks of heavy carts which must have pulled innumerable times along the bustling colonnaded shops of the Roman market on both sides.
The first point on my road was the “Nile House” or “House of the Nile Festival”.
The largest mosaic displays scenes related to the Nile. When I was describinga plot of this mosaic, suddenly understood very precisely, why ancient artist used this stage. All Israel territory is dry and for people living in this district, rains, rivers and water are God-given gifts bringing a life for plants, animals and people. And it isn’t no wonder, why the image of Nile was used in this mosaic … what else a big river of this region do you know?
Smaller mosaics depict Amazons, another one is of a Centaur, and there are other plots depicted to hunt in “Nile House”.
And now I’ll tell a little about a main mosaic of “Nile House”. In the upper corner the river us born from the mouth of a fable monster. A goddess Egypt rests by the river. Animals, plants and people come to life. A man and women stand at the ‘nilometer’ to measure the water level, which this year exceptionally high, giving cause for rejoicing. Further down there are depictions to Alexandria, galloping horsemen and on the bottom are fighting animals.
No doubt, that all plots of mosaics have the mythological explanation, but I don’t know something about.
And next time we are to make visit a main mosaic of Tzippori national park – “Mona Lisa of the Galilee”.


Ornament all Galilee, ancient Tzippori (Zippori)

We were going to visit this ancient city for a long time and at last the trip to one of the most magnificent National Parks of Israel has happened.
Even the route, we drove about an hour is so impressive that deserves the separate story. We turned from the Mediterranean Sea and drove to direction of Nazareth and we saw three completely various climatic zones differing one of other with completely different flora and transition was simply momentary. Just before crossroads, we see vegetation typical for coast climate and beyond it the vegetation of droughty climate and through some kilometers the pines appear and other plants that grow in Israel north.
Excavation in a place, where the prospering city once was, are conducted and I think, there is a very high probability that many else secrets will open in due course.
Zippori is located in the lower Galilee, halfway between Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Galilee. It is situated on the hill about an hour walk fro Nazareth and was the administrative capital of the Galilee in the 1st century. By 63 BCE Zippori and all Galilee were under the severe rule of Rome. Zippori suffered from the destruction caused by the civil war between Herod the Great and his archrival Mattathias Antigonus (the last king of Hasmonean dynasty) and after Galilee came under the rule of Herod Antipas Zippori was rebuilt and fortified.
Today we speak: “Zippori is located near to Nazareth” but at that old times there was all quite the contrary. Nazareth was a small and insignificant settlement to compare with Zippori.
Interest on the part of Biblical archeologists is related to the belief in Christian tradition that the parents of the Virgin Mary, Anna and Joachim, were natives of Zippory
So, today here are my first impressions and some photos of “Ornament all Galilee”.


Saturday walk near the Nahariya city

This year March is so hot and dry, and dusty wind blows again and again. We call it Khamsin. But this Sabbath (Saturday) was quite nice to have a walk.
Once again we are going along the Kaplan street up to the Sea and then turn left. The new promenade (line three) is under the construction now and we will have a new area with green zone soon. We go till end of Nahariya and beyond the border of city the stream flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The stream is called Beit haEmek. It is the source of the water for the site and also used as a water canal and part of the natural harbor. Beit haEmek means in Hebrew " House of the Valley". Biblical reference: the eastern border of the tribe of Asher (Josua 19:27):"... toward the north side of Bethemek". There are situated the Church and Bysantian Settlement remains and it is the theme of my next post.
And now as usual some photos that I took a month or so ago, and photos of last day off. The first were taken in rain season and we can compare them.


Adloyada Purim Carnival 2010, Nahariya, Israel

Now I wanna to talk about what Adloyada is.

The expression derives from the Hebrew ad de-lo-yada (until one no longer knows).
According to the rabbis, participants should celebrate on Purim until they no longer know the difference between "Blessed be Mordecai" and "Cursed be Hamman".
The first Adloyada was held in Tel-Aviv, in 1912, and spread to other communities in Israel.
It is celebrated by carnival processions with decorated floats through the main streets, accompanied by bands.
But I still didn't give a complete answer - Why is Purim Parade a carnival parade?
As I've written in previous post, the name of Esther means hiding. Rabbis referred to God's role as hester panim - hiding of the Face. An important message that can be gained from the story is that God often works in ways that are not apparent and we think that it is coincidence or ordinary good luck.


The Holiday of Purim, 2010

On this Friday the Purim parade took place in my city of Nahariya. The parade was postponed because of the rain week ago but a week later the weather was fine and cheerful Purim masquerade parade took place.
The main idea of Purim is - they tried to kill us and God saved us. The story of Purim is told in Megillah of Esther (Book of Esther) . The name of Esther means hiding. Jewes believe that God is hidden behind all events of the Megillah Esther that traditionally read during Purim.
This holiday has important focus on children and traditionally children are the main participants of Purim carnivals. Three months before the holiday, children began their preparation for parade. It was opened with entire main Purim story heroes - Mordecai, Esther, Ahasuerus, Vasti, Haman and others.


Especially for Zodiac Piscese

The Fish symbol is found in particularly every type of culture, religious - in Pagan, Judaism, Christianity, Eastern Indian, China etc. and all period of history.
The fish or two fishes often swimming together in pair in one or opposite direction is symbolic deliverance of human spirit from matter fetters.The pair of fishes are symbolise the harmony and mutual understanding.
Fish is a water sign. Water also holds an ancient symbolic meanings and we associate its depth with depth of knowledge.
And so a fish that swims in water has symbolic meanings such as: good luck, fertility, knowledge, transformation, happiness.
This amulet has a very important meaning for Jewish as Torach compare to water and Jewish people compare to fishes swimming in Torah water. "Water comes from a high place to a low place but it is the same water. By studying the Torah, a person's mind becomes united with God's knowledge" (from beverlyhillschabad.com).
But there is one more symbol represented in amulet-hamsa - the solar symbol, particularly the rising sun. The esoteric astrology symbol of Sun represents the creative spark of divine consciousness that exists in every individual person to the source and origin of life, and making person the cooperator of the world.


Blessed rain just before festive days

Saturday begins on Friday in Israel. Almost nobody works since Friday morning and Shabbat, the day of rest and cessation of labors comes with sundown Friday. And so the new day begins in the evening but not in the morning. There is an explanation, and as always - cabbalistic (if you are interested in, let me know and I'll tell about). But it isn't an absolute true - we are a modern society and there is two calendar in Israel.
And now, take a walk with me along the elegant main avenue of Nahariya city - ha Gaaton Boulevard. It named after a small river - ha-Gaaton, which divides the street into two. Today the river is silent, the rain was small and you don't see the great effect as after the rainstorm.
I took first photo while it rain. The sculpture of rooster and the lawn in shape of Magen David (Star of David) are the parts of city's landscape design in front of municipality building. You won't find the traditional sculptures in Israel habitual to an "European eye" and it also is explainable. I didn't question yet the old city's residents, why exactly this one, but I'll ask in future.
And, certainly some photos of the street that stretches from Mediterranian Sea to the highway Akko-Nahariya and back.