
Saturday walk near the Nahariya city

This year March is so hot and dry, and dusty wind blows again and again. We call it Khamsin. But this Sabbath (Saturday) was quite nice to have a walk.
Once again we are going along the Kaplan street up to the Sea and then turn left. The new promenade (line three) is under the construction now and we will have a new area with green zone soon. We go till end of Nahariya and beyond the border of city the stream flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The stream is called Beit haEmek. It is the source of the water for the site and also used as a water canal and part of the natural harbor. Beit haEmek means in Hebrew " House of the Valley". Biblical reference: the eastern border of the tribe of Asher (Josua 19:27):"... toward the north side of Bethemek". There are situated the Church and Bysantian Settlement remains and it is the theme of my next post.
And now as usual some photos that I took a month or so ago, and photos of last day off. The first were taken in rain season and we can compare them.

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