
Israel. Elijah's the Prophet Cave. Part 4

Today, April 18 at sunset begins Passover (Pesach). Its celebration continues a week.
Certainly, the main idea it is the Exodus/ exite from Egypt. But it is only obvious reason and if you begin to remove a cover and slightly open a “veil” … it is possible to understand the hidden Kabbalistic meaning of Passover. I won’t try yours patience more: sacral meaning – it is "exit" of the person from the Captivity of own slavery, prejudices and restrictions.  And every year, every person makes this overcoming.
I’ve told about, because today I report my last post about the cave of Elijah the Prophet and today at Passover Eve I finish my report about one of the most worship places by pilgrims in Israel.
“A place setting remains empty for Elijah the prophet, the honored guest at every Passover table. The Jewish people expect Elijah to come at Passover and announce the coming of the Messiah (Malachi 4:5). So a place is set, a cup is filled with wine, and hearts are expectant for Elijah to come and announce the Good News. At the end of the seder meal, a child is sent to the door to open it and see if Elijah is there.”
Now, we have already climbed down to the foot of Mount Carmel and enter into the Elijah’s cave which is workshop for Jews. Here everything is arranged according to the Jewish tradition.  The cave is divided into female and male parts.  Here, as well as at theWestern Wall in Jerusalem, people leave the notes in peculiar wall with photographers of Western Wall, Elijah’s cave and Prayers. Also along a wall there are bookcases with religious books and everyone can take Sidur (prayer book) and read the prayer or suitable fragment from Tanakh. When you go out of cave, you can light a candle. And towards the end of my description of Elijah’s cave, pay attention to a chair: it is Elijah’s Chair.

“Accordingly, the Shulḥan 'Aruk, Milah, 265, 11 (comp. Kol Bo, 73), orders that a distinct seat upon the bench, or a separate chair, be reserved for Elijah. To this the circumciser (mohel) refers in the prayer preceding the circumcision, as well as in the piyyuṭ for the Sabbath on which a circumcision occurs. When the chair of Elijah is made ready, the words "This is the chair of Elijah"  must be said in a loud voice. Before the circumcision takes place the child is placed upon the chair. The chair is left in position for three days, not, as said by some, to give Elijah, the wanderer, time for rest, but because the first three days after circumcision are a period of danger for the child. Elijah being the guardian of the little ones, is represented as such in the amulet for the lying-inchamber, and, indeed, it is in this capacity that he is invited to the circumcision”.

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