
Israel. Tu-b'Shvat 2011

A week ago “winter” in Israel has finished because we celebrated the festival of Tu-b’Shvat or New Year of the Trees. By the way, there wasn’t winter in Israel this year. The dry winds from desert gave way to rare rains and the temperature at Mediterranean sea coast only several days fell below +17° Celsius and, New Year of 2011 we celebrated at +20°. But nevertheless the boundary marked by fifteenth of Shevat, was overcome, and spring again has come.
About this holiday and traditions I wrote last year: Festival of Tu B'Shvat  Tu B’Shvat, part 2
This year we again visited the orangery “Yagur” where the festive program was promised, but the most attractive action for me was: children plant their small plants. I like this tradition so much.
Certainly the orangey offer a lot of plants and it was so difficult to resist the temptation and nothing to buy.  I selected the spicy plants: stevia, lavender, thyme and spreading, low-growing with arching branches rosemary.

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