
Three Milan’s famous landmarks

Today we shall walk through the Milan’s city center and visit three Milan’s most famous landmarks, having gone along a chain from Milan cathedral to the La Scala theatre through magnificent gallery of Vottorio Emanuele II. Milan’s city center is very compact but you won’t accomplish the “see everything in a day” as will stopped at every step especially at windows of famous fashion shops.
We began a day-trip from Duomo or Milan cathedral.  The weather was fine and we postponed a visit to museums for rainy days and decided to stroll at open air.  True, air was fresh and easy and the sky cloudless all days of our Italian trip that year and apparently we were lucky with weather because Milan has reputation as the Europa’s most polluted city.  Duomo is the only white marble Gothic cathedral in Europe and certainly its sizes impressed me. It is second largest cathedral in Italy after Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The place itself, on which the modern cathedral was built, arouses trembling not only of Christians but also admirers of other cults. In very old times, there stood ancient Celtic sanctuary, later the Roman temple of worship the Minerva and then some replaced one other Christian churches before the modern Milan cathedral was built on this place. So, a place is very mysterious. The cathedral is topped with famous Madonnina’s spire with famous Madonnina statue (the statue of the Virgin Mary) and by tradition, no building in Milan is higher than the Madonnina.
By the way, if you haven’t enough time to visit famous mono-brand Milan’s shops, I advise to pass along the street situated aside from Duomo and visit famous Rinanscene store where you’ll find all kinds of goods of newest collections.


After survey the Duomo we go round the Duomo square and now enter to the gorgeous gallery of Vittorio Emanuele II. This passage is covered over by an arching glass and cast iron roof of crossing streets between opera house and the cathedral.  The central space is topped with a glass dome and decorated with mosaics symbolizes the union of church and the state. By especially I liked ideally polished mosaic floor which can be taken a look very long. It is true carpet. I would like only to add: the south entrance to the gallery it is a triumphal arch added in 1877.
Having gone through the gallery of Vittorio Emanuele and seeing at fashion fans: they arrive to Milan center close to lunch (don’t forget that Milan is the center of fashion industry) we reached the La Scala theatre.
Our walk is finished and next time we’ll go to Genoa. We visited Genoa 5 years ago but I wanna tell about this trip. Then, we planned to visit this city specially because in 2006 there took place a grandiose flower show in Genoa.  


Mornig in Milan

The time have come to move to Europe. I’ll still write about Israel during May but will continue to travel through Austria and Italy as well and my first post is for Milan.
This time we’ve start to travel from Tel-Aviv but not from Vienna. I formed an opinion about Milan airport Malpensa only on back way when we have had more time to examine it. The impression was favorable as I compared Malpensa to Israel airport Ben Gurion which is included into the top five of most perspective airports for their potential of development and uses of their infrastructure in the future.
Nevertheless, on arrival day we were hurried to drive to apartment which became “the base” of our residing for 10 days. The owner met us, quickly showed the flat and invited to glance to his office situated opposite La Scala theatre. Small nuance that was pleasant so much: there was a big dish with fruits on the table. Usually, if I wanna something laid in refrigerator, I order beforehand.
But the biggest “surprise” expected us at night and I was definitely glad that windows of a bedroom turned to the courtyard but not in street. I have meant a Milan tram. When we arrived, I immediately opened all windows to hear the city and sound of church’s bells, nearby there was a church.
With night comes everything was calmed down and suddenly, with interval of 15th minutes around, we hear the roar so loud that I closed the windows and shutters immediately. It was the Milan tram which how I understood next day go along almost every Milan’s street. I never heard this roar in Vienna, the trams aren’t audible there, but in Milan all is sonorous plus the love of Italians to scooters. My tip for travelers: always to be interested, where the windows of your room look in Milan.    
In the morning we went to the walk and spent the first Milan morning in fortress Sforsa and Sempione Park.
I invite to stroll along with me through Milan when there isn’t hot yet and inhabitants are still having a rest in Milan Parks but not leave the city to find the cool on nearest lakes.  


Israel Independence Day – Yom Ha’atzmaut

On 10 May was Israel Independence Day called Yom Ha’atzmaut. This date marks the day when 63 years ago (this year date) the State of Israel was established.
The Independence Day in Israel is celebrated in a big way and this year also has lucky with weather – no heat or dry wind from desert but on the contrary, cool sea breeze and pleasant + 24°.
It was great day to visit free of charge museums and in Tel-Aviv took place the Aviation and Navy parade. The show was very effective especially on background of clean (immaculate) blue sky and the azure sea.
But nevertheless, the “championship” every year keep Israeli families, celebrating the Independence Day with picnics and barbecues, everyone aspire to the north of country. The Independence Day in Israel playfully name “a holiday of grilled meat”, so early in the morning “the country” has gone to a way. Already at eight o’clock in the morning have broadcasted, the beaches around Kineret Lake are overloaded and there are no spare places in National Parks.
I celebrated the Independence Day in Nahariya (resort town situated in Israel North). Traditionally the celebration began in the evening May 9 (I remind, according to Jewish tradition the new day begins when sun is down). Before the holiday all citizens receive the booklets with schedule of all events. We joined the people at Central Square In front of Nahariya City Hall, listened the Children Brass Orchestra (recently orchestra celebrated 30th Anniversary) and a congratulatory speech of the Mayor but there were a lot of people in centre and we went to promenade and enjoyed fireworks sitting in a cafĂ© near the sea.

Our next morning has started with survey of the military hardware and weapons exhibited at the sea coast. Daddies told children as all this “works” and I would like to add that they knew the subject very well as to serve in army is prestigiously in Israel particularly in Special Forces.  Children are curious as all children and even the girls posed sitting on tank. Of course, a great interest caused the heavy tank Merkava and I joined visitors because had for the first time opportunity take a closer look at this tank.

There weren’t a lot of people at the sea that morning, the promenade was already has done after yesterday’s “invasion" of visitors and we strolled along promenade more than two hours.
My report completely consists of the photos taken on May 10 and I invite you to look at celebratory morning in Nahariya city.