
Israel Independence Day – Yom Ha’atzmaut

On 10 May was Israel Independence Day called Yom Ha’atzmaut. This date marks the day when 63 years ago (this year date) the State of Israel was established.
The Independence Day in Israel is celebrated in a big way and this year also has lucky with weather – no heat or dry wind from desert but on the contrary, cool sea breeze and pleasant + 24°.
It was great day to visit free of charge museums and in Tel-Aviv took place the Aviation and Navy parade. The show was very effective especially on background of clean (immaculate) blue sky and the azure sea.
But nevertheless, the “championship” every year keep Israeli families, celebrating the Independence Day with picnics and barbecues, everyone aspire to the north of country. The Independence Day in Israel playfully name “a holiday of grilled meat”, so early in the morning “the country” has gone to a way. Already at eight o’clock in the morning have broadcasted, the beaches around Kineret Lake are overloaded and there are no spare places in National Parks.
I celebrated the Independence Day in Nahariya (resort town situated in Israel North). Traditionally the celebration began in the evening May 9 (I remind, according to Jewish tradition the new day begins when sun is down). Before the holiday all citizens receive the booklets with schedule of all events. We joined the people at Central Square In front of Nahariya City Hall, listened the Children Brass Orchestra (recently orchestra celebrated 30th Anniversary) and a congratulatory speech of the Mayor but there were a lot of people in centre and we went to promenade and enjoyed fireworks sitting in a café near the sea.

Our next morning has started with survey of the military hardware and weapons exhibited at the sea coast. Daddies told children as all this “works” and I would like to add that they knew the subject very well as to serve in army is prestigiously in Israel particularly in Special Forces.  Children are curious as all children and even the girls posed sitting on tank. Of course, a great interest caused the heavy tank Merkava and I joined visitors because had for the first time opportunity take a closer look at this tank.

There weren’t a lot of people at the sea that morning, the promenade was already has done after yesterday’s “invasion" of visitors and we strolled along promenade more than two hours.
My report completely consists of the photos taken on May 10 and I invite you to look at celebratory morning in Nahariya city.

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